Candle extinguisher - is it worth buying and why?Get to know candle extinguishers and find out how to properly extinguish a candle. Why is it worth buying a candle extinguisher?Read more
Which candles should you choose for the bathroom? How to create a home SPA?Do you want to create a home SPA in your own bathroom? Use scented candles and find out which ones are best for the bathroom?Read more
Anti-smoking candles, i.e. neutralizing tobacco smokeTry anti-smoking scented candles that neutralize the smell of tobacco smoke! How does it work and when is it worth trying?Read more
Idea for a cheap gift for Mom on Mother's DaySee what cheap gifts you can buy your mother for Mother's Day. You can find gift inspirations for Mom here.Read more
Air fresheners and fragrance mists - which ones to choose?One thing remains unchanged - the desire for a beautiful scent in our homes. Fresheners and scented mists can help us with this. But how to choose them?Read more
Scented candles that will stimulate your creativityTry to naturally enhance your creativity and concentration with aromatherapy. See what scented candles help you focus.Read more
Scented candles for spring - our suggestionsWhat fragrances to choose for spring? What scented candles are best for this time of year? We present new products and classic spring bestsellers.Read more
Light a natural candle for Earth Hour - what is this initiative and why is it worth taking part?On March 24, we celebrate Earth Hour all over the world. How can you join it and what do natural candles have to do with it?Read more