How to make a scented candle? The easiest way!Do you want to make a scented candle yourself? Here's the easiest way! You can make such a candle easily and quickly with our guide.Read more
How to choose scented candles for a SPA?Home SPA is something every woman loves. What do we need to make a home SPA successful? Definitely candles. How to choose the best candle for a home SPA?Read more
Your home is your calling card - does it smell as good as you do?Smell defines our history and who we are. But do our homes smell as good as we do?Read more
How to choose a car fragrance and which fragrances are the best?We take care of our cars just like we take care of our home. Car fragrance will certainly be a perfect addition to your car. But how to choose it?Read more
Color of the year 2019 - decorate your house with candles!Lively and cheerful - this is Living Coral - the color of the year 2019 according to Pantone. How to introduce this color in the interior?Read more
Electric wax burners - why is it worth it?Ease of use, convenient change of scent and attractive price are the advantages of scented waxes. Discover new electric scented wax burners.Read more
Frequently asked questions about scented candles and answersHere are the four most frequently asked questions about scented candles - we have ready answers for you. We invite you to read.Read more
New year-round scents in the Essential Elements natural candle collection by Candle-liteWhat new candle scents can be found in the Essential Elements collection by Candle-lite? See what scented candles are worth trying in 2019.Read more