How to burn soy candles? Basic rules for burning soy candlesWe present a short guide on how to burn soy candles. Learn the rules for optimal burning of soy wax candles.Read more
Natural soy candles with a wooden wick and elegant scented diffusers - get to know the Fine Fragrance brand straight from Australia!Soy scented candles with a wooden wick and elegant scented diffusers are unique products of the Australian premium brand Fine Fragrance.Read more
Electric wax burners - why is it worth it?Ease of use, convenient change of scent and attractive price are the advantages of scented waxes. Discover new electric scented wax burners.Read more
New year-round scents in the Essential Elements natural candle collection by Candle-liteWhat new candle scents can be found in the Essential Elements collection by Candle-lite? See what scented candles are worth trying in 2019.Read more
Fragrances that support concentration - which scent helps in learning?Are there any proven scents that can help with learning and concentration? Check out this article and see for yourself!Read more
Lavender in your home - properties and uses of lavender oilLavender oil is a unique fragrance that is perfect all year round. Find out how to introduce lavender into your home.Read more
Aromatherapy helps reduce stress - which candles should you choose?Nowadays, stress is everywhere around us. We can reduce the tension caused by stress in many ways, one of them is aromatherapy.Read more
Why should every guy have a scented candle at home?We will break the stereotype that men will not benefit from burning scented candles. Every guy should have scented candles at home. Find out why.Read more